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August 11
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The new Visiting Centre for the Protected Areas of the Comune of Reggello in the locality of Ponte a Enna was inaugurated in September 2015. Thanks to its ideal position at the foot of the Forest of Sant’Antonio, it takes its place at the centre of itineraries that make it possible to reach unique environments and landscapes such as Pratomagno, le Balze, and the Casentino.
Previously, the structure was a holiday camp for children; now, as a result of the restructuring made possible by regional financings, it is a very lovely place in which to become acquainted in depth with the history and nature of the Reggello territory.
The Centre offers a long and detailed educational course on the ecosystems of the protected areas in the territory, as well as a multipurpose room in which to show films and organise exhibitions and teaching laboratories. On the second floor there are guest quarters equipped with a kitchen, where it is possible to spend the night.
The structure is managed by the gECO Association, which has set itself the goal of promoting activities that are linked to a knowledge, awareness and safeguarding of the natural ecosystems and of the rural territory. The Association is also in a position to provide environmental guides for guided tours.

For information:

– Reggellonatura

– Associazione gECO

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